Scooters And One Wheels

ME: Girl died of an stomach harm after falling off a scooter

GRAND RAPIDS, me. (WOOD) – A Grand Rapids woman who died last week suffered an abdominal injury after falling off an electric scooter, says a medical examiner.

Kent County Coroner, Dr. Stephen Cohle, was 33 years old Elle Yared’s death inadvertently, he told News 8 Tuesday.

He said Yared fell off one of the rental scooters at least twice. She died Friday night of internal bleeding from a blunt stomach injury, Cohle noted. She also sustained a cut over the eye, but the coroner found no brain injury.

Cohle added that Yared was “highly intoxicated” at the time of death. It was unclear how high her blood alcohol level could have been when she fell off the scooter on Friday.

Grand Rapids police said they were called to a house in East Hills Friday night after Yared repeatedly lost consciousness and had difficulty breathing. Despite first aid, she died in the house.

Yared’s family previously agreed that she fell off one of the scooters earlier that day. They suggested she suffered a fatal brain injury, but Cohle said she didn’t.

The scooters are part of a city pilot program in collaboration with Spin, which is currently expected to be completed by the end of 2021. In a statement released on Monday the 8th News, city officials said they knew of Yared’s death and were working with police as the investigation progressed. At the moment, the death has no effect on the pilot program.

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